Keep Your Landscape Healthy During Colorado’s Cold Months

Are you winter watering? Many homeowners forget this important step in maintaining a healthy landscape, a mistake that could mean the worst for your plants!

Due to the dry climate here in Colorado Springs, Winter watering is a crucial step in maintaining good plant health and Spring garden success. Without supplemental water during the cold months, root systems can be damaged, possibly leading to plant illness or death. Repeated freezing and thawing of the ground and soil can create cracks in the earth and flower beds, which expose the root systems to more severe drying. Winter watering and mulching help to curb dehydration, fill the ground cracks, and prevent plant damage.

From November to March, the Stone & Flower Gardening Crews conduct Winter watering on all your garden’s perennial beds, shrubs, and trees. It’s critical to Winter water your lawns too, as turf areas exposed to wind and periods of direct sunlight dry out more rapidly than those in the shade, especially your young sod and seed lawns. The Garden Maintenance Crews Winter water your lawn and turf areas using an oscillator as needed to help eliminate Winter Kill in your grass, and to boost its vitality in Spring and Summer!

Contact Stone & Flower for assistance with all of your landscape needs during the cold season! Some of our other Winter services include residential snow removalHoliday lighting installation, and more!