Stone & Flower Lawn, Tree, and Shrub Care

Lawn Mowing | Fertilization | Pest and Weed Control

Stone & Flower offers an array of lawn, tree, and shrub care services to ensure your entire landscape is not only healthy, but visually stunning for maximum curb appeal! From pest control services to weekly mowing, our team of skilled lawn and landscape professionals ensure you’re receiving the highest level of attention and care for your property.

Weekly Mowing and Trimming

Mowing is one of those property maintenance tasks that no one likes to do – except us! We take pride in knowing it’s done right!

During the Summer season, we offer 24 weeks of mowing services for your property. On a weekly basis, we mow and trim your lawn and turf areas, ensuring your grass remains strong and stunning! Keeping your lawn at a proper, healthy height not only saves water when irrigating, but it also helps to maintain robust root systems to better fight off pests and disease.

Lawn and Bed Edging

Do you like a clean cut edge to your lawn and garden beds, rather than a natural fade that is so common in most lawns? Stone & Flower can provide you that sharp, flawless look for all of your lawn borders. Your lawn areas and garden beds are regularly edged during the Summer months with this ongoing service, leaving a freshly manicured look to your landscape.

Native Area Mowing

Wild and native grass areas can be a charming addition to a home landscape, enhancing the natural beauty of your property. Drought tolerant and native grasses are an efficient way to go if you don’t need the recreational spaces that lawns provide. Stone & Flower offers native and water-wise turf installation and ongoing maintenance.

Although native grass areas require less maintenance than conventional lawns, they do require some mowing and trimming or they can become an eye sore, a security risk, and a fire hazard if not managed. Therefore, we provide native and wild grass maintenance as part of our Lawn, Tree, and Shrub services. These areas are mowed and trimmed twice per season or more frequently if necessary.

Lawn Aeration

One of the most beneficial things you can do for your lawn is an aeration! We can’t stress this enough. With this service, Stone & Flower aerates your turf areas once in the Spring to improve your lawn’s root health. If your lawn is looking unhealthy we may suggest two aerations annually, with the additional aeration in the Fall.

Lawn Fertilization and Weed Control

In Colorado Springs, lawns don’t look so lush and beautiful from just mowing, watering, and aerating on a regular basis. Because of the effects of our dry climate and poor soil conditions in this area, fertilizing your lawn is a must. We apply fertilizer and in-lawn weed control to your turf areas six times per growing season. As with all of our fertilization and weed control programs, we offer organic alternatives to conventional treatments. The lawn is often a playground for our pets and children, where close contact with grass blades and soil occur. If you are concerned about this contact and what it means with regards to chemical fertilizers and weed treatment products, we have organic, safe solutions that cater to your family and lifestyle.

Tree and Shrub Deep Root Fertilization

As you may know, the soil in Colorado Springs is often riddled with granite and clay, rendering it nutrient deficient. No matter how much soil amending you do, your plants may never seem to thrive the way you would like them to. Often, trees and shrubs suffer because their roots expand outside of the amended area. Don’t fret however, as Stone & Flower provides Deep Root Fertilization for all of your trees and shrubs once per year in Fall. We inject fertilizer deep into the ground, directly to the root zone to optimize cellular and vascular growth. Your landscape plants get what they need, where they need it, and at the proper time to assure overall health. Also, as with any of our fertilization services, you have your choice to use conventional or organic fertilizers on your property.

Insect and Rodent Control

Unfortunately, insects and rodents are a reality for many gardens and landscapes in Colorado Springs. Fortunately, our team of professionals know how to identify, evaluate, and control landscape pest problems!

Whether you have Aphids, Elm Beetles, or Gophers, our team will determine the most person-, pet-, and eco-friendly ways to solve the issue. Your landscape will be equipped with a custom pest management plan designed to take aim at your specific insect or rodent problem and combat future invasions!

Contact Stone & Flower today, and let’s discuss fertilization and pest management options for your property!