Planting Services

Garden and Landscape Installation for Colorado Springs

Interested in adding dynamic color and curb appeal to your yard and landscape? Stone & Flower provides fine garden installation and planting services for residential and commercial landscapes in Colorado Springs and surrounding areas. We provide prompt and cohesive garden installation, complete with necessary soil amendments, fertilizers, and mulch for healthy and vigorous plant growth! Whether you’d like a modest sized flower bed or a grand garden display, our skilled Landscape and Garden Crews will ensure each step of the installation process is done properly and reflects your garden design and vision.

Annual Planting

Stone & Flower begins planting annual flowers in the month of May. We can custom design your garden beds, planters, and flower pots with a large variety of high quality annuals in your favorite colors and textures! If you are concerned with the amount of water it takes to maintain healthy annual beds, we have a wide variety of Xeric and water-wise annuals to help conserve water and save you money on your utility bill!

At the time of planting, we fertilize the soil with a quick release fertilizer to help jump start your annuals for rich color and optimal bloom production! Our Crews then fertilize your annual beds on a regular basis for continued brilliant color throughout the growing season. You can also request your annual flowers be planted with Mycorrhizae for an added boost in root growth and vitality.



Perennial Planting

Perennials are the true stars in most landscapes and gardens. Not only do they provide brilliant color, textures, and scents to die for, but they rebloom every year, eliminating the need for replanting each season. Consult with our Garden and Landscape Designers to discuss your perennial garden plan and choose from a plethora of plants! No matter your garden vision, we can help select top performing perennials to accentuate and compliment your existing plantings and surrounding architecture.

Perennials serve many purposes in and around the garden, may it be saving water on your utility bill, creating a habitat for pollinators, or to simply create an attractive outdoor space to spend time in and gaze upon. Once we’ve designed your perennial beds, our Garden and Landscape Crews will properly prepare your soils for ideal planting conditions. For an extra boost at time of planting, Stone & Flower treats your perennial root bases with Mycorrhizae. This product stimulates root growth and promotes overall plant health. Our Garden Maintenance Crews then regularly fertilize your perennials for continued color brilliance throughout the growing season!

Fragrant Perennials | Add sweet scents to your outdoor space with clumps of fragrant perennial flowers. Orange Carpet Hummingbird Trumpet not only has striking orange flowers in the Summer months, but it also produces a sweet scent when in bloom. This is also true of Evening Primrose, Yellow Alyssum, and of course soothing Lavender. For high impact Fall beauty and heavenly scents, consider planting Sweet Autumn Clematis vine along your fence or up trellises. Additionally, for something a little different, try the ever-blooming and deer-resistant Chocolate Flower. This native perennial’s daisy flowers produce a rich chocolaty aroma each morning, and even better, requires little water after establishment.

Drought Tolerant Perennials | If our regionally adapted perennials are good at anything, it’s saving water. We have a wide selection of Xeric and water-wise perennials that will make a statement and pack a colorful punch in any landscape or garden! For example, Coral Baby Penstemon is a Xeric perennial that produces bright coral pink flowers that attract hummingbirds and pollinators! Other drought tolerant perennials include deer-resistant Engelmann’s Daisies, and Colorado Gold Gazanias. Or consider stunning Purple Mountain and Avalanche White Sun Daisies, the eye-catching two-toned Fire Spinner Ice Plant, or many others!

Perennials for Texture | For a visually dynamic garden area, Stone & Flower adds texture with a variety of perennials. Consider broad-leafed Shangri-la Sage and Bergenia for a bold statement. Or add softness to your gardens with Lamb’s Ears and Silver Mound Artemisia. From fun, spiky Regal Torch Lilies, to showy deer-resistant Sonoran Sunset Hyssop, we have a great selection of unique plantings.

Everblooming, Lasting Color, and Unique Perennials | Put on a show with high impact, attention-getting perennials! Add character to any landscape with everblooming perennials such as Happy Returns Day Lillies and Blue Johnson Geraniums. Add lasting color with dense and deer-resistant Narbonne Blue Flax or colorful Coreopsis varieties. In the Spring, boost your curb appeal with the captivating Lenten Rose Hellebore. Then steal the show this Summer with brilliant Fireworks Goldenrod! No matter the season, we can help you choose breathtaking perennials worthy of neighbor envy!

Fall Bulb Planting

After a long Winter, there’s nothing more satisfying than the sight of colorful crocus flowers pushing up through early Spring snow! Experience this seasonal joy on your property with Spring blooming bulbs. Spring bulbs are typically planted after the first frost in Fall. Stone & Flower can consult with you to create a stunning and rich garden display with successive blooming bulbs to ensure color from the very start of Spring, into the Summer months.

Welcome Spring into the garden with bright yellow Winter Wolf’s Bane, or delicate white Snowdrops. Move through the season with early blooming Double Daffodils and high impact Jan Bos Hyacinth, followed by later season feathered Parrot Blend Tulips and colorful Carmen Rio Tulips. Then usher in Summer with outstanding deer-resistant Ambassador and Mount Everest Allium. For more Spring blooming bulb garden inspiration, check out our Spring Bulbs for Every Gardenblog post!

Tree and Shrub Planting

Trees and shrubs are vital parts of all landscapes. Not only do they provide privacy from the neighbors and shade from sizzling Summer sun, but they also add dynamic character and curb appeal to any yard or garden. Stone & Flower can help you select the perfect type of tree or shrub for your outdoor space, whether you’re interested in fragrant blooming Crabapples, Xeric and low maintenance evergreens, or showy weeping varieties. After selecting the plant materials of your choice, our Garden and Landscape Crews make sure your trees and shrubs are planted properly and fertilized as needed for excellent health year after year.

We want your landscape to be unique to you and reflect your personal tastes and lifestyle. With that in mind, our Landscape and Garden Designers source one-of-a-kind and regionally adapted plantings to add character and a personal touch to your property.

Fragrant Trees and Shrubs | Every homeowner loves a visually striking landscape, but many often overlook the other sensual effects one’s landscape can have on the mind and body. Engage your senses with fragrant tree and shrub varieties for ultimate relaxation.

Unwind with soothing, colorful Lilacs and blooming Cistena Plum trees. Tickle your senses with luscious Honeysuckle vines and crisp, refreshing Mock Oranges! From showy Western Catalpas to sweet smelling Crabapple trees, Stone & Flower can create an aromatic getaway in your own backyard!

Character and Ornamental Plantings | Create stunning focal points across your landscape with accent and ornamental trees and shrubs. Choose from a wide selection of eye-catching varieties such as Magnolia trees and breathtaking Hot Wings Tatarian Maples. Also consider blooming Viburnums, White Dogwoods, gorgeous Japanese Maples, or dynamic Autumn Blaze Maple trees.

For lasting color year-round, browse unique evergreens like the Weeping Norway Spruce or creeping Procumbens Blue Spruce. Also consider the Hillside Creeper Scotch Pine, Dwarf Eastern White Pine, and the Iseli Fastigiate Spruce.

Drought Tolerant Trees and Shrubs | Save water around your landscape with water-wise trees and shrubs. Stone & Flower plants drought-tolerant varieties that have proven success in Colorado’s climate. Some of these varieties include Russian and Cockspur Hawthorn trees, hearty Boxelder trees, and creeping Manzanitas and Kinnikinic. Great shrubs include the fragrant Carol Mackie Daphne, colorful Barberries, and bold Ninebarks. With more impressive and hearty species than we can list here, Stone & Flower will help you save water in style!