Our soil amendments will kick your soil into gear for a healthy and colorful landscape!
Colorado Springs soils don’t always provide the perfect conditions for a healthy landscape. Our Garden Maintenance Crews add soil amendments around your landscape to ensure your soils maintain proper moisture retention and that plants are receiving adequate nutrients as efficiently as possible.
Stone & Flower amends your soils with top-quality products so that all of your shrubs, trees, grasses, and ornamentals will thrive and maintain excellent health throughout the growing season.
Whether your soils are sandy, composed of clay, or are nutrient-deficient, we can add specialized mixes, mulches, and composts to make sure your landscape is healthy and resilient, year after year!
Contact us to learn how we can enrich your soil for a healthier, happier landscape!
Soil amendment storage is essential to keep quality soil amendments like organic composts and nutrient mixes ready for use. Applying the right soil amendments can enhance moisture retention and nutrient delivery, helping lawns, trees, and shrubs thrive, even in challenging soil conditions typical of Colorado Springs.
The best soil amendments for nutrient-deficient lawns often include organic soil amendments, compost, and specific mulches. These amendments boost soil quality by improving moisture levels and supplying essential nutrients, ensuring healthy, vibrant plant growth year-round in your landscape.